BCC Corner Pin Studio

BCC Match Move


The Corner Pin Studio is our next generation of corner pinning and simplifies the work of creating corner pin inserts, with a single Mocha planar tracker to track the target surface and 4 offset pins to accurately position the source shot onto the target. As well as source crop and feather options, there is an additional source pin option to more easily position the pinned surface over the target source with visual on-screen guides. The Corner Pin Studio filter includes several post processing options for foreground color correction, edge chokes, drop shadow, light wrap and 27 unique compositing blend modes.


Presets and Common Controls

BCC filters come with a library of factory installed presets plus the ability to create your own custom presets and preview them with the BCC FX Browser™.

BCC filters also include common controls that configure global effect preferences and other host-specific effect settings. For more information about working with presets and other common controls, Click Here.


Host Specific Workflows

Corner Pin Studio is a unique and powerful tool that integrates with host specific workflows to generate impressive, dynamic results. In addition to basic standard controls, the plugin works with the host specific compositing requirements. Below you will find detailed tutorials illustrating individual host workflows that integrate motion tracking and masking to track text to a wall using corner pin studio.

Adobe After Effects

Adobe Premiere Pro

Media Composer

Vegas Pro 17


CommonWorkflow Settings

  • Apply to Foreground is a unique workflow that allows you to apply the corner pin to the foreground image.
  • Apply to Background is the most typical workflow for Corner Pin Studio. In this mode, your chosen source image will be pinned over the background. When selecting this mode, mocha motion tracker will use your background source for all motion tracking.

Background/Foreground Layer: Contextual controls determined my the chosen workflow mode. These controls tell Corner Pin Studio what source image to use for the corner pin. After Effects users can use a host native dropdown to select the layer for the background or foreground layer. Media Composer users can simply select the filter layer or first below, while OFX users can select their source A or B layer.

Show Background/Foreground will bring the background/foreground to the front, allowing you to view the background/foreground independently of any corner pin effect.

Composite Over BG: Composites the foreground image over the background. Enabling this will alow adjustments to the Apply Mode in the Composite Group.

Corner Pins Group

The Corner Pins Group provides access to the four pins used to map the foreground image. You can manually adjust the position of the Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left, and Bottom Right pins, or, more commonly, you can use the Mocha Motion Tracker to track the movement of the corner pin in the scene.

Transforms Group

The Transforms Group allows you to offset the position of the corner pin, adjusting it’s translation, scale, rotation and skew.

Translate X/Y: Sets the position of the corner pin on the X or Y axis.

Master Scale: Sets the scale along the XY axis.

Scale X/Y: Sets scale individually along the X or Y axis.

Rotation: Rotates the corner pin.

Skew X/Y: Skews the perspective of the Corner Pin along the X or Y axis.

Source Pins/Crop Group

Source Pins adjust the locations in the foreground image that get mapped to the pinpoints. Typically they do not need to be adjusted, however, in certain circumstances where you want to set the pin to an area other than the corner of the image (for example if you are pinning a logo, or an arrow), you can manually adjust the location of they source pins. This is also good if you want to select a specific region of the image to crop.

Crop to Source Pins enables crop for the corner pin layer, cropping the corner pin to the location of the source pins.

Edge Choke adjusts the choke along the edge of the crop. higher values will increase the amount of choke.

Edge Choke Softness adjusts the edge softness. Higher values will create more edge feathering, while lower values will create a sharper edge.

Edge Choke Falloff adjusts the gradient of the feathering.

Render Group

Motion Blur allows you to enable motion blur for the scene. After Effects users have an additional option available which allows them to use the host’s built in motion blur controls. When motion blur is enabled in any host, the following controls become available:

Blur Samples sets the number of motion blur itterations. Higher values will produce more samples, resulting in a smoother, more continuous blur.

Shutter Angle adjusts the speed of the “camera” shutter. Smaller values will result in a shorter range of motion blur, while larger values will create a wider blur.

Shutter Phase shifts the relative point in time in which the blur samples are created. Sample can be either generated from the previous or upcoming frame. By adjusting the Shutter Phase, you can change the look of the blur.

Upsampling Method sets the quality of the render. There are a number of options to adjust the speed and smoothness of the corner pin warping.

  • Fast
  • Sharp
  • Standard
  • Smooth
  • Magic Smooth
  • Magic Sharp

Downsampling Softness Controls the softness for scale settings where the image is being down sized from higher resolution. provides anti-aliasing to the edges of the corner pin warp. Higher values will provide softer results.

Inverse Warp inverts the corner pin distortion. Typically this is used in conjunction with the foreground workflow to allow you to unwarp a corner pin effect. An example would be if you used Corner Pin to add something to the background image.

Color Correction Group

The Color Correction group provides  a range of foreground color correction tools for aid in matching foreground and background colors to create a more convincing final composite.  A separate set of correction tools for just the foreground edge is found in the Edge Color Correction group.

Color Correction On:  Completely enables/disables all foreground color correction.

Temperature:  Control the overall temperature of the foreground.  Moving the Temperature slider to the left (negative values) will yield a cooler result, while moving the slider to the right will warm up the shot.

Tint:  Control the overall tint of the foreground.  Moving the Tint slider to the left (negative values) will add a green tint, while moving the slider to the right will add a magenta tint.

Saturation: Control the overall saturation of the foreground.

Brightness: Control the overall brightness of the foreground.

Contrast: Control the overall contrast of the foreground.

Gamma: Control the overall gamma of the foreground.

Drop Shadow Group

Shadow On enables an animateable drops shadow on the foreground image

Shadow Distance sets the distance (in pixels) between the shadow and the image.

Shadow Intensity sets the opacity of the drop shadow, scaled as a percentage. At a value of 100, the shadow is completely opaque. Lower Shadow Intensity values make the background visible through the shadow. At a value of 0, the shadow is completely invisible.

Shadow Angle sets the direction of the drop shadow. A setting of 0° places the shadow to the right of the image; a setting of 90° places it directly below the image.

Shadow Softness controls the softness of the edges of the shadows. A setting of 0 produces a sharply defined shadow with hard edges. Increasing Shadow Softness produces shadows with softer edges.

Shadow Color sets the color of the shadow.

Light Wrap group

The Light Wrap parameters reflects the background image around the edges of the corner pin image to form a border. This creates the illusion that light from the background is reflected onto the foreground. This creates a more convincing composite by making it appear as if the images were shot in the same environment.

Vegas Pro Workflow Tip:  To use the Light Wrap feature in Vegas Pro you must apply the filter in Custom Composite Mode.  For more information on working with Custom Composite Modes in Vegas, Click Here.

Vegas Custom Composite

Using Custom Composites in Vegas Pro

Light Wrap On:  Enable/Disable the Light Wrap pass.

Lightness:  Sets the lightness value of the reflected/wrapped image. Negative values make the reflection darker and positive values make the reflection lighter.

Softness:  Softens the edges of the border image that is reflected or wrapped.

Width:  Controls the width of the reflection or wrap that is generated. Higher numbers result in a larger border. The following examples show the View menu set to Wrap On Black.

Apply Mode menu:  Determines the method that is used to composite the border. For descriptions of all the possible Apply Modes, Click Here.

Mix with Original:  Blends the original and modified results. Use this parameter to control the effective amount of the light wrap adjustment.

Composite Group

The Composite Group contains options for compositing the foreground image over the background. This group is available when Composite Over BG is enabled.

Opacity scales the opacity of the corner pin image. At an Opacity value of 100, the image is completely opaque. At a value of 0, the image is completely transparent.

The Apply Mode menu controls how the source and corner pin images are composited. This filter is most useful with Apply Modes other than Normal. For descriptions of all the Apply Modes, Click Here.

Apply Mix blends the Apply Mode setting with the Normal apply mode. The resulting mixed mode is used to composite the Corner Pin media over the filtered layer. For example, if Apply Mode is set to Lighten, then an Apply Mix value of 0 uses the Normal apply mode; an Apply Mix value of 100 uses the Lighten apply mode. An Apply Mix value of 50 blends the two apply modes equally. You can use Apply Mix to soften the effect of a given apply mode, or to animate over time.

Motion Tracker/Mocha

The BCC Mocha Motion Tracker provides built-in motion and parameter tracking. It is typically used to motion track an object in the background source to attach a corner pin to. Unlike corner pin tracking in previous versions of Continuum, the new Mocha Motion tracker needs only to track a single area, rather than four seperate points. Motion tracker data can be applied to either the corner pin itself or the source pins.

For more information on working with Mocha Motion tracker, click here.


The BCC PixelChooser/Mocha provides built-in masking and tracking of the effect result.  The PixelChooser is generally used to select a portion of the image and restrict an effect to just the selected area while maintaining the original image content in non-selected regions.  The selection can be based on geometric shapes or on the image’s luma/color properties. With built-in Mocha planar tracking, you can quickly generate vector spline mask shapes which can be tracked to lock a mask shape to the movement of a camera or a moving object in the scene.

For more information on the Mocha PixelChooser, Click Here.


BCC Particles

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Perspective

BCC Perspective

BCC Licensing

BCC Obsolete

BCC Key & Blend

BCC Obsolete

Nested Subgroup

BCC Art Looks

BCC Licensing

BCC Time

Nested Subgroup

BCC Image Restoration

BCC Transitions

BCC Blur & Sharpen

BCC Transitions

BCC Obsolete

BCC Textures

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Image Restoration

BCC Warp

BCC Art Looks

BCC Transitions

BCC Art Looks

BCC Art Looks

BCC Stylize

BCC Textures

BCC Art Looks

BCC Transitions

BCC Key & Blend

BCC Key & Blend

BCC Textures

BCC Textures

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Stylize

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Obsolete

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Stylize

BCC Transitions

BCC Particles



Nested Subgroup

BCC Key & Blend

BCC Key & Blend

BCC Transitions

BCC Match Move

BCC Match Move

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Transitions

BCC Transitions

BCC Transitions

BCC Transitions

BCC Transitions

BCC Perspective

BCC Warp

BCC Transitions

BCC Perspective

BCC Stylize

BCC Transitions

BCC Obsolete

BCC Film Style

BCC Obsolete

BCC Blur & Sharpen

BCC Warp

BCC Stylize

BCC Image Restoration

BCC Image Restoration

BCC Image Restoration

BCC Perspective

BCC Perspective

BCC Key & Blend

BCC Stylize

BCC Lights


BCC Stylize

BCC 3D Objects

BCC 3D Objects

BCC 3D Objects

BCC Film Style

BCC Transitions

BCC Film Style

BCC Perspective

BCC Blur & Sharpen

BCC Film Style

BCC Obsolete

BCC Obsolete

BCC Film Style

BCC Obsolete

BCC Obsolete

BCC Image Restoration

BCC Transitions

BCC Textures

BCC Browser

BCC Blur & Sharpen

BCC Lights

BCC Lights

BCC Lights

BCC Stylize

BCC Obsolete

Nested Subgroup

BCC Textures

BCC Transitions

BCC Stylize

BCC Art Looks

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Time

BCC Time

BCC Transitions

BCC Lights

BCC 3D Objects

BCC Stylize

BCC Obsolete

BCC Transitions

BCC Image Restoration

BCC Transitions

BCC Lights

BCC Obsolete

BCC Transitions

BCC Transitions

BCC Transitions

BCC Transitions

BCC Blur & Sharpen

BCC Obsolete

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Lights

BCC Transitions

BCC Obsolete

BCC Lights

BCC Transitions

BCC Key & Blend

BCC Obsolete

BCC Lights

BCC Key & Blend

BCC Key & Blend

BCC Transitions

BCC Time

BCC Image Restoration

BCC Key & Blend

BCC Film Style

BCC Match Move

BCC Key & Blend

BCC Key & Blend

BCC Art Looks

BCC Stylize

BCC Textures

BCC Warp

BCC Stylize

BCC Blur & Sharpen

BCC Image Restoration

Nested Subgroup

Nested Subgroup

Nested Subgroup

Nested Subgroup

Nested Subgroup

Nested Subgroup

Nested Subgroup

Nested Subgroup

Nested Subgroup

BCC Stylize

BCC Transitions

BCC Transitions

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Obsolete

BCC Textures

BCC Image Restoration

BCC Time

BCC Image Restoration

BCC Particles





BCC Perspective

BCC Perspective

BCC Particles

BCC Particles

BCC Particles

BCC Transitions

BCC Particles

BCC Art Looks

BCC Particles

Nested Subgroup

Nested Subgroup

BCC Image Restoration

Nested Subgroup

BCC Warp

BCC Art Looks

BCC Time

BCC Key & Blend

BCC Key & Blend

BCC Stylize

BCC Transitions

BCC Blur & Sharpen

BCC Blur & Sharpen

BCC Transitions

BCC Particles

BCC Lights

BCC Transitions

BCC Lights

BCC Lights

BCC Lights

BCC Lights

BCC Lights

BCC Lights

BCC Lights

BCC Lights

BCC Transitions

BCC Stylize

BCC Image Restoration

BCC Image Restoration

BCC Textures

BCC Lights

BCC Key & Blend

BCC Transitions

BCC Transitions

BCC Stylize

BCC Stylize

BCC Transitions

BCC Transitions

BCC Warp

BCC Transitions

BCC Textures

BCC Obsolete

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Stylize

BCC Stylize

BCC Obsolete

BCC Image Restoration

BCC Particles

BCC Particles

BCC Perspective

BCC Transitions

BCC Key & Blend

BCC Transitions

BCC Blur & Sharpen

BCC Lights

BCC Art Looks

BCC Lights

BCC Obsolete

BCC Textures

BCC Textures

BCC Obsolete

BCC Transitions

BCC Time

BCC Transitions

BCC Art Looks

BCC Transitions

BCC Time

BCC 3D Objects

BCC Time

BCC Time

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Transitions

BCC Warp

BCC Warp

BCC Transitions

BCC Film Style

BCC Key & Blend

BCC 3D Objects

BCC Blur & Sharpen

BCC Image Restoration


BCC Transitions

BCC Warp

BCC Textures

BCC Time

BCC Stylize

BCC Warp

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Film Style

BCC Transitions






BCC Warp

BCC Art Looks

BCC Transitions

BCC Warp

BCC Textures

BCC Particles

BCC Image Restoration

BCC Match Move

BCC Textures

BCC Textures

BCC Obsolete

BCC Obsolete

BCC Obsolete

BCC Blur & Sharpen

BCC Lights

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Film Style

BCC Art Looks

BCC Lens

BCC Optical Diffusion

BCC Lights

BCC Lens

BCC Grads and Tints

BCC Art Looks

BCC Key & Blend

BCC Art Looks

BCC Grads and Tints

BCC Grads and Tints

BCC Film Style

BCC Film Style

BCC Image Restoration

BCC Image Restoration

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Lens

BCC Optical Diffusion

BCC Blur & Sharpen

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Optical Diffusion

BCC Optical Diffusion

BCC Grads and Tints

BCC Key & Blend

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Lights

BCC Film Style

BCC Optical Diffusion

BCC Optical Diffusion

BCC Grads and Tints

BCC Lights

BCC Lights

BCC Lights

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Optical Diffusion

BCC Art Looks

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Key & Blend

BCC Lights

BCC Art Looks

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Lights

BCC Lens

BCC Lights

BCC Lights

BCC Film Style

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Key & Blend

BCC Optical Diffusion

BCC Grads and Tints

BCC Optical Diffusion

BCC Art Looks

BCC Key & Blend

BCC Key & Blend

BCC Lights

BCC Grads and Tints

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Optical Diffusion

BCC Lens

BCC Grads and Tints

BCC Lights

BCC Lights

BCC Lights

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Grads and Tints

BCC Color & Tone

BCC Optical Diffusion

BCC Grads and Tints

BCC Optical Diffusion

BCC Grads and Tints

BCC Lights

BCC Grads and Tints

BCC Textures

BCC Film Style

BCC Grads and Tints

BCC Perspective

BCC Lens

BCC Art Looks

Title Studio

Title Studio

Title Studio

Title Studio

Title Studio

Title Studio

Title Studio

BCC 3D Objects












Title Studio

Title Studio

Title Studio

Title Studio

Title Studio

Title Studio

Title Studio

Title Studio

Title Studio

Title Studio

Title Studio

Title Studio


Title Studio

Title Studio

Title Studio

Title Studio

Title Studio

Title Studio

Title Studio

Title Studio

Title Studio


BCC 2D Particles
BCC 3 Way Color Grade
BCC 3D Extruded Image Shatter
BCC 3D Image Shatter
BCC AE Licensing
BCC Alpha Pixel Noise
BCC Alpha Process
BCC Alpha Spotlight
BCC Apply Modes
BCC Artists Poster
BCC AVX Licensing
BCC Beat Reactor
BCC Beat Reactor Integrated
BCC Beauty Studio
BCC Blobs Wipe
BCC Blur
BCC Blur Dissolve
BCC Boost Blend
BCC Brick
BCC Brightness-Contrast
BCC Broadcast Safe
BCC Bulge
BCC Bump Map
BCC Burnt Film
BCC Cartoon Look
BCC Cartooner
BCC Cast Shadow
BCC Caustics
BCC Charcoal Sketch
BCC Checker Wipe
BCC Chroma Key
BCC Chroma Key Studio
BCC Cloth
BCC Clouds
BCC Color Balance
BCC Color Choker
BCC Color Correction
BCC Color Match
BCC Color Palette
BCC Colorize
BCC Colorize Glow
BCC Colorize Glow Dissolve
BCC Comet
BCC Common Controls
BCC Common Controls - Avid
BCC Compare Mode
BCC Composite
BCC Composite Choker
BCC Composite Dissolve
BCC Corner Pin
BCC Corner Pin Studio
BCC Correct Selected Color
BCC Crash Zoom Dissolve
BCC Criss-Cross Wipe
BCC Cross Glitch
BCC Cross Melt
BCC Cross Zoom
BCC Cube
BCC Curl
BCC Curl Dissolve
BCC Cylinder
BCC Damaged TV
BCC Damaged TV Dissolve
BCC DeGrain
BCC Deinterlace
BCC DeNoise
BCC Directional Blur
BCC Displacement Map
BCC Drop Shadow
BCC Dropout Fixer
BCC Dust and Scratches
BCC Dv Fixer
BCC Edge Cleaner
BCC Edge Grunge
BCC Edge Lighting
BCC Effects List
BCC Emboss
BCC Extruded EPS
BCC Extruded Spline
BCC Extruded Text
BCC Fast Film Glow
BCC Fast Film Glow Dissolve
BCC Fast Film Process
BCC Fast Flipper
BCC Fast Lens Blur
BCC Film Damage
BCC Film Glow
BCC Film Glow Dissolve
BCC Film Grain
BCC Film Process
BCC Fire
BCC Flicker Fixer
BCC Flutter Cut
BCC Fractal Noise
BCC FX Browser
BCC Gaussian Blur
BCC Glare
BCC Glint
BCC Glitter
BCC Glow Alpha Edges
BCC Glow Matte
BCC Gradient
BCC Granite
BCC Grid Wipe
BCC Grunge
BCC Halftone
BCC Hue-Sat-Lightness
BCC Invert Solarize
BCC Jitter
BCC Jitter Basic
BCC Kaleida Dissolve
BCC Laser Beam
BCC Layer Deformer
BCC Lens Blur
BCC Lens Blur Dissolve
BCC Lens Correction
BCC Lens Distortion Wipe
BCC Lens Flare 3D
BCC Lens Flare Advanced
BCC Lens Flare Dissolve
BCC Lens Flare Round
BCC Lens Flare Spiked
BCC Lens Flash
BCC Lens Shape
BCC Lens Transition
BCC Levels Gamma
BCC Light Leaks
BCC Light Leaks Dissolve
BCC Light Matte
BCC Light Sweep
BCC Light Wipe
BCC Light Wrap
BCC Light Zoom
BCC Lightning
BCC Linear Color Key
BCC Linear Luma Key
BCC Linear Wipe
BCC Looper
BCC Magic Sharp
BCC Make Alpha Key
BCC Match Grain
BCC Match Move
BCC Matte Choker
BCC Matte Cleanup
BCC Median
BCC Misalignment
BCC Mixed Colors
BCC Morph
BCC Mosaic
BCC Motion Blur
BCC Motion Key
BCC Motion Tracker
BCC Motion Tracker AE
BCC Motion Tracker Avid
BCC Motion Tracker FCP
BCC Motion Tracker Motion
BCC Motion Tracker PRM
BCC Motion Tracker Red
BCC Motion Tracker Resolve
BCC Motion Tracker Vegas
BCC Multi Shadow
BCC Multi Stretch Wipe
BCC Multi Stripe Wipe
BCC MultiTone Mix
BCC Noise Map
BCC Noise Map 2
BCC Noise Reduction
BCC Optical Flow
BCC Optical Stabilizer
BCC Organic Strands
BCC Overview in Adobe
BCC Overview in Avid
BCC Overview in FCP
BCC Overview in Resolve
BCC Page Turn
BCC Pan And Zoom
BCC Particle Array 3D
BCC Particle Emitter 3D
BCC Particle Illusion
BCC Particle Illusion Dissolve
BCC Particle System
BCC Pencil Sketch
BCC Pin Art 3D
BCC Pinning Controls
BCC Pixel Chooser
BCC Pixel Fixer
BCC PixelChooser – Legacy
BCC Polar Displacement
BCC Posterize
BCC Posterize Time
BCC Preferences
BCC Premult
BCC Presets
BCC Primatte Studio
BCC Prism
BCC Prism Dissolve
BCC Pyramid Blur
BCC Radial Blur
BCC Radial Wipe
BCC Rain
BCC Rays Cartoon
BCC Rays Dissolve
BCC Rays Puffy
BCC Rays Radiant Edges
BCC Rays Radiant Spotlight
BCC Rays Ring
BCC Rays Ripply
BCC Rays Streaky
BCC Rays Textured
BCC Rays Wedge
BCC Rectangular Wipe
BCC Reflection
BCC Reframer
BCC Remover
BCC Reptilian
BCC Reverse Spotlight
BCC RGB Blur Dissolve
BCC RGB Displacement Dissolve
BCC RGB Pixel Noise
BCC Ribbon Wipe
BCC Rings Wipe
BCC Ripple
BCC Ripple Dissolve
BCC Rock
BCC Rough Glow
BCC Safe Colors
BCC Scanline
BCC Scatterize
BCC Sequencer
BCC Smooth Tone
BCC Snow
BCC Sparks
BCC Sphere
BCC Sphere Transition
BCC Spill Remover
BCC Spin Blur Dissolve
BCC Spiral Blur
BCC Spotlight
BCC Spray Paint Noise
BCC Stage Light
BCC Star Matte
BCC Stars
BCC Steel Plate
BCC Super Blend
BCC Swish Pan
BCC Temporal Blur
BCC Textured Wipe
BCC Tile Mosaic
BCC Tile Wipe
BCC Time Displacement
BCC Title Studio
BCC Trails
BCC Trails Basic
BCC Tritone
BCC Tritone Dissolve
BCC Turbulence
BCC Twirl
BCC Twister
BCC Two Strip Color
BCC Two Way Key
BCC Type On Text
BCC Unsharp Mask
BCC User Guide
BCC Vector Blur Dissolve
BCC Vector Displacement
BCC Veined Marble
BCC Velocity Remap
BCC Video Glitch
BCC Video Morph
BCC VideoScope
BCC Vignette
BCC Vignette Wipe
BCC VR Flicker Fixer
BCC VR Insert
BCC VR Reorient
BCC VR Sharpen
BCC Warp
BCC Water Color
BCC Water Waves Dissolve
BCC Wave
BCC Weave
BCC Wild Cards
BCC Wire Remover
BCC WitnessProtection
BCC Wood Grain
BCC Wooden Planks
BCC Z Space I
BCC Z Space II
BCC Z-Blur
BCC+Ambient Light
BCC+Black and White
BCC+Bleach Bypass
BCC+Camera Shake
BCC+Center Spot
BCC+Chroma Bands
BCC+Chromatic Aberration
BCC+Color Gradient
BCC+Color Infrared
BCC+Color Paste
BCC+Color Shadow
BCC+Color Spot
BCC+Colorize Gradient
BCC+Cross Processing
BCC+Day for Night
BCC+Depth of Field
BCC+Double Fog
BCC+Dual Gradient
BCC+Edge Composite
BCC+Eye Light
BCC+Film Stocks
BCC+Glow Darks
BCC+Glow Edges
BCC+Harris Shutter
BCC+High Contrast
BCC+Holdout Composite
BCC+Ice Halos
BCC+Key Light
BCC+Lens Distortion
BCC+Lens Flare
BCC+Low Contrast
BCC+Math Composite
BCC+ND Gradient
BCC+Night Vision
BCC+Non-Additive Mix
BCC+Optical Dissolve
BCC+Rack Focus
BCC+Radial Exposure
BCC+Radial Tint
BCC+Selective Saturation
BCC+Skin Tone
BCC+Split Field
BCC+Split Tone
BCC+Three Strip
BCC+Wide Angle Lens
Removed Gradient Parameters
Title Studio - The Title Container Parameter Guide
Title Studio Basics
Title Studio- Animating an Object Using Keyframes
Title Studio- Creating a Credit Roll
Title Studio- Creating a Credit Roll Part Two
Title Studio- Creating A Fade Effect
Title Studio- Creating a Type on Effect with Title Containers
Title Studio- Creating an Animated Lower Third
Title Studio- Image Processors
Title Studio- Image Processors - Blur Shaders
Title Studio- Image Processors - Glow Shaders
Title Studio- Image Processors - Gradient Shaders
Title Studio- Image Processors - Key Shaders
Title Studio- Image Processors - Light Rays
Title Studio- Image Processors - Light Sweep
Title Studio- Image Processors - Scan Lines
Title Studio- Image Processors - Spotlight
Title Studio- Image Processors - Wipe Shaders
Title Studio- Image Processors- Linear Ripple
Title Studio- Keyframe Palette
Title Studio- Scene Container Parameter Guide
Title Studio- The Animation Tab
Title Studio- The Camera Tab
Title Studio- The Composite Tab
Title Studio- The Container Position Tab
Title Studio- The History Palette
Title Studio- The Info Window
Title Studio- The Lights Tab
Title Studio- The Preferences Panel
Title Studio- The Project Settings Window
Title Studio- The Render Tab
Title Studio- The Text Tool
Title Studio- The Tools Window
Title Studio- The User Marks Window
Title Studio- Understanding Track Structure
Title Studio- Working With Deformers
Title Studio- Working With Image Processor Shaders
Title Studio- Working With Spline Media
Title Studio- Working with the Composite Window
Title Studio- Working with the Controls Window
Title Studio- Working with the Timeline Window
Working in Vegas Pro


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