NEW IN CONTINUUM 2021, the BCC+ Radial Tint filter tints the image using multi-color, radially graduated filters

Photo by Jason Wong on Unsplash
Presets and the FX Editor
To select from a selection of factory installed and user-generated presets, open the FX Editor interface and pick one from the Presets window.
Filter Parameters
Tint Mode: Selects how color is applied to the image.
- Normal: Tints the image while retaining highlights.
- Tint: The image is tinted by replacing hue and saturation.
- Hue: The image is tinted by only replacing hue.
- Lighten: Pixels darker than the color are replaced, and pixels lighter than the color do not change.
- Darken: Pixels lighter than the color are replaced, and pixels darker than the color do not change.
Color 1
Sets the color for the top left quadrant of the image.
Color: Sets the color through the use of a standard color picker.
Opacity: Sets the opacity of the color.
Color 2
The Color 2 controls are the same as the controls for Color 1 except it is applied to the top right quadrant of the image.
Color 3
The Color 3 controls are the same as the controls for Color 1 except it is applied to the bottom right quadrant of the image.
Color 4
The Color 4 controls are the same as the controls for Color 1 except it is applied to the bottom left quadrant of the image.
Radial Grad
Sets the position, rotation and aspect ratio of the radial gradient.
Position: There is an on-screen control in the center of the image. By clicking and dragging the on-screen control, the position of the grad can be adjusted.
Position X: The horizontal position of the grad.
Position Y: The vertical position of the grad.
Note: In some host programs, you must highlight the effect title in the Effect Controls window to see the on-screen controls.
Size: The size of the grad.
Rotation: The rotation of the grad.
Aspect: The aspect ratio of the grad.
Preserve Highlights: Preserves the white areas of the image.
Exposure Compensation: Exposure Compensation adds back the brightness loss as a result of the filter application.
A spot in the form of a radial gradient can optionally be used to control where color is added to the image.
- Position: There is an on-screen control in the center of the image. By clicking and dragging the on-screen control, the position of the spot can be adjusted.
- Position X: The horizontal position of the spot.
- Position Y: The vertical position of the spot.
- Note:In some host programs, you must highlight the effect title in the Effect Controls window to see the on-screen controls.
- Aspect: The aspect ratio of the spot.
- Radius: The un-blurred radius of the spot.
- Falloff Radius: The blurred edge radius.
- Falloff: Moves the falloff towards the spot center point.
- Invert: Inverts the spot.
Working with The Filter
- Apply BCC+ Radial Tint from the Grads and Tint unit.
- Click the BCC FX Editor button. The FX Editor user interface opens and consists of Presets, Parameters and Viewer windows.
- Try out some of the presets.
- Adjust the Radial Grad > Position, Size, Rotation and Aspect.
- To set your own radial gradient colors, click on the Color 1, 2, 3 or 4 > Color boxes and select colors.Color 1 is the top left quadrant of the image, Color 2 is the top right quadrant, Color 3 is the bottom right quadrant and Color 4 is the bottom left quadrant.
- If you want less coloring of the image, turn down Color 1, Color 2, Color 3 or Color 4 > Opacity.
- Image highlights can be retained by adjusting the Preserve Highlights control to a value of 100.
- Change your View to Gradient to see the color gradient being applied to the image.
- Change your View back to Output to see the filtered image. You can also mask out a portion of the Radial Tint effect using a Spot mask.
- To use a Spot mask with the Radial Tint, click on Spot > Enable.
- Set the Spot > Radius, Falloff Radius and Falloff.
- Click the Apply button to return to the host application.
The values of the parameter adjustments in the FX Editor user interface are transferred to your host application.