NEW IN CONTINUUM 2021, with the BCC+ Split Tone filter shadows, midtones and highlights can be individually tinted.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Presets and the FX Editor
To select from a selection of factory installed and user-generated presets, open the FX Editor interface and pick one from the Presets window.
Filter Parameters
- Opacity: Set the opacity of the tint color.
- Color: The Color parameter sets the color of the shadow tint through the use of a standard color picker.
- Position: Selects the shadow values to be adjusted.
- Range: Controls the range of values to be used for the shadows. A higher Range value considers more values as shadows.
- Opacity: Set the opacity of the tint color.
- Color: The Color parameter sets the color of the midtone tint through the use of a standard color picker.
- Position: Selects the midtone values to be adjusted.
- Range: Controls the range of values to be used for the midtones. A higher Range value considers more values as midtones.
- Opacity: Set the opacity of the tint color.
- Color: The Color parameter sets the color of the highlight tint through the use of a standard color picker.
- Position: Selects the highlight values to be adjusted.
- Range: Controls the range of values to be used for the highlights. A higher Range value considers more values as highlights.
Preserve Highlights: Preserves the white areas of the image.
Exposure Compensation: Exposure Compensation adds back the brightness loss as a result of the tinting.
Working with The Filter
- Apply BCC+ Split Tone from the Grads and Tints unit.
- Turn up the Opacity slider in the Shadows, Midtones or Highlights.
- Change the Split Tone colors by clicking on the Color boxes.In some of the filters, a matte is generated to create the desired effect–in this case, split toning.
- Change your View to Shadows, Midtones or Highlights to see the matte values.The areas that are white in the matte are the areas that will be tinted by the selected tint color. The areas defined as Shadows, Midtones or Highlights can be adjusted by modifying the Position and Range parameters.
- Adjust the Shadows, Midtones or Highlights > Position and Range controls to change what is considered to be Shadows, Midtones or Highlights.
- Change your View to Output to see the image.