Silhouette v7 - Quick Look at Roto, Paint & VFX

September 4, 2019

Now part of Boris FX! Silhouette is a best-in-class GPU-accelerated compositing application, delivering the industry’s most robust non-destructive paint and roto tools to feature film and visual effects teams.

More than Roto & Paint. Silhouette v7 goes far beyond roto and effects cleanup tasks with tools to finish the most complex VFX shots thanks to node-based compositing with integrated keying, tracking, warping, morphing, OCIO color management, and OFX support for Mocha Pro and Sapphire plug-ins. Includes 143 VFX nodes with full stereoscopic support.

Available as a standalone application for macOS, Windows, and Linux with floating license options for enterprise.

Download a free trial